It was pretty clear after the first class that CrossFit would help me to quit smoking. Every time I had the urge to smoke after my first class on my 40th birthday, I thought about how my lungs felt during that class. No problem. Being sick for a few weeks helped too.
After ironing out the rest of the holidays and returning to work, I've returned to the box for my second class. I have no idea what to expect. The white board at the box is filled with cryptic numbers and letters.
One word sticks out at me because I do not know what it means. BURPEES. I learn this is an exercise closely associated with CrossFit. You can see Kelsey Lee from XHIT demonstrate a burpee here. The burpee is also close associated with pain if you aren't used to doing them. I went full force in this class and made it to 8 before gasping for air.
My favorite exercises of the evening were the kettle bell swings and wall balls because they hurt the least. For now.
As a reward to myself for returning at all, I bought a sweatshirt. Yay.